Smart Campus: Energy Culture at Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Andrés Esteban Acero López, Monica Moya

Research output: Working paper


Natural resources have been used and exploited to generate economic growth and social well-being. While higher economic growth has contributed to improving the countries' income and well-being, a marked environmental deterioration and the accentuation of problems such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water, and air pollution have contributed to improving the countries' income well-being. However, this study focuses on how it affects energy consumption by people's energy culture, contributing to the implementation of models for efficient electricity use. This project developed a predictive tool based on a fuzzy cognitive map to generate several scenarios that simulate an energy culture. These scenarios are stimulated externally, simulating policies or organizational decisions that positively affect Sergio Arboleda University's energy culture. The model seeks to examine the effects of policies on people's energy culture and mitigate investment risk or unwanted results as a policy setting.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSSRN Electronic Journal


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