Non-Standard Parametric Surface Design and Fabrication: In Search of New Forms and Morphologies in Teaching Digital Design

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Parametric tools in design are becoming more popular and available through the easy learning curve one needs to go to understand its basics. Although it is totally another field and it raises a question – how to implement the parametric knowledge into the workflow of a classical architectural designing approach. It is a new paradigm in architecture, and it involves to have both theoretical and practical knowledge to succeed, as well as rethinking the way we present these concepts at university level education of architecture.
The parametric surface design and fabrication exercise was carried out in University of Monterrey, Mexico in the class of Morphology taught to the first year students of architecture. It explored the actual parametric design, materialization and fabrication, detail proliferation as well as intermediate level of conceptualization in research of CAD/CAM workflow integration to architectonical design.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication3rd International Conference of Biodigital Architecture & Genetics
ISBN (Electronic)978-84-685-0350-9
ISBN (Print)978-84-685-0368-4
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event3rd International Conference of Biodigital Architecture & Genetics - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 7 Jun 201710 Jun 2017


Conference3rd International Conference of Biodigital Architecture & Genetics
Internet address


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