Metodología bottom-up y realidad aumentada para proyectos de diseño colaborativo e interdisciplinarios

Translated title of the contribution: Bottom-up methodology and augmented reality for collaborative and interdisciplinary design projects

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The bottom-up methodology applied to design refers to the emergent nature of the process, since the designer, based on a stimulus, generates a chain reaction using available elements and resources, without prior planning or organization; but rather, starting from a need or problem, a series of phases follow in which components are grouped; because the result arises from the exploration and integration of various parts that add up from smallest to largest, under the seed effect. This work focused on explaining the application of the bottom-up methodology through augmented reality in collaborative and interdisciplinary design projects. The participants were 16 students from the schools of Architecture and Habitat Sciences and Art and Design, of the University of Monterrey, in Mexico, who studied the common core subject, Experimental Study, in the degrees of Architecture, Interior Design, and Industrial Design. , Sustainable Energy and Innovation, Graphic Design, Arts, Fashion and Textile Design, and Digital Animation. The project was carried out in the months of January - May 2023, through several augmented reality sessions, in which participants grouped in interdisciplinary teams, using HoloLens 2 equipment, entered a modeling room previously designed in the Rhinoceros 7.0 software. , connected through a QR code from the Fologram plugin. In real time, the students were coupling, rotating, and transforming a certain number of volumes (holograms) to obtain a design object, which would then be associated with a specific function of a seat or reclining bench; Next, the participants responded to an open 5-item instrument, which allowed them to identify the positive aspects and weaknesses in the process and draw conclusions for feedback. The results demonstrated the usefulness of augmented reality for collaborative design, as it allows synchronization for teamwork since the holograms were shared and displayed in the same virtual position, and instantly organized using voice commands. , according to the decisions made by the students. Furthermore, the immersive dynamics of the design allow innovation and creative exploration of solutions, based on the free grouping of components, a very particular characteristic of the bottom-up methodology. Among the aspects to improve are the technological appropriation times and the use of the devices, since students must be introduced to the use of augmented reality for pedagogical purposes for design, which can take time. However, after experience, it can be stated that augmented reality is an effective tool for creative processes with bottom-up methodologies, as it allows synchronized teamwork, and exploration for the management of forms in terms of rotating, scaling, and docking. , mix, transform, add, or subtract figures following the formal intuition of the generated system. And thus, in a collaborative way, achieve a virtual object to which a use or function is assigned, and which can be tested through renders and photomontages.
Translated title of the contributionBottom-up methodology and augmented reality for collaborative and interdisciplinary design projects
Original languageSpanish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2023
EventEncuentro de la Red Internacional de Investigación y XVII Jornadas de Investigación, Desarrollo e Investigación UCASAL - Universidad Católica de Salta, Salta, Argentina
Duration: 19 Oct 202320 Oct 2023


WorkshopEncuentro de la Red Internacional de Investigación y XVII Jornadas de Investigación, Desarrollo e Investigación UCASAL
Abbreviated titleEncuentro ERII 2023
Internet address


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