Design and implementation of a vehicular access control using RFID

D. L. Almanza-Ojeda, A. Hernández-Gutiérrez, M. A. Ibarra-Manzano

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

16 Citations (Scopus)


This work presents the design and implementation of vehicular access control using radio frequency identification (RFID). This system controls the accesses of three different parking and also it checks the access of each driver. With this system is possible to monitor, administer and report all the accesses and departs in each parking, this information can be available on a website. To this end, a database is generated with the names of the authorized people for accessing at the parking. A code number is assigned to each person, which represents the transponder tag number.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMulticonference on Electronics and Photonics, MEP 2006 - Embodied Meetings
Subtitle of host publicationCAOL 2006; POEO 2006; ISP 2006
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006
EventMEP 2006: 3rd Int. Conf. on Adv. Optoelectron. and Lasers, CAOL 2006; 3rd Int. Conf. on Precision Oscillations in Electron. and Optics: Theory and Appl., POEO 2006; 1st Int. Workshop on Image and Signal Proces., ISP 2006 - Guanajuato, Mexico
Duration: 7 Nov 200610 Nov 2006

Publication series

NameMulticonference on Electronics and Photonics, MEP 2006


ConferenceMEP 2006: 3rd Int. Conf. on Adv. Optoelectron. and Lasers, CAOL 2006; 3rd Int. Conf. on Precision Oscillations in Electron. and Optics: Theory and Appl., POEO 2006; 1st Int. Workshop on Image and Signal Proces., ISP 2006

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials


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